Why Does My Oven Smoke? Is It Broken Or Does It Need A Clean

Why Does My Oven Smoke? Is It Broken Or Does It Need A Clean?

By on 30th July 2014 (updated: 15th March 2024) in Blog

Why Does My Oven Smoke? Is It Broken Or Does It Just Need A Clean?

Do you often ask yourself ‘why does my oven smoke?’ Is it really quiet even when it’s on? Or has your food stopped cooking evenly? You might be wondering if your oven is broken, or just in need of a good cleaning.

image of dirty oven

People who have experienced problems with their ovens often put them down to wear and tear. In reality, a rigorous cleaning can help resolve a number of issues and save you a fortune compared to forking out for a new model.

The problem is a lot of homeowners are unable to distinguish between complications caused by a build-up of grit and grime, clogging up vital internal components

. There’s a whole host of dangers that come with a dirty oven so it’s always good to try a thorough cleaning before committing to a new purchase.

With this in mind, Ovenu is here to answer your burning questions when it comes to oven problems and help you identify and

troubleshoot a few common issues that a dirty oven can cause.

Troubleshooting Your Oven Problems

Why does my oven smoke or smell like burning?

A common misconception associated with burning smells emanating from a cooker is that the internal heating element or electrics have broken down. Whilst this is a completely rational assumption to make, the presence of smoke or a burning smell is not always attributed to faults with the device itself.

If it’s been a while since your appliance has been cleaned then this might actually be the cause of it all. Spills and splashes of food within your oven can last a long time and as they begin to decay, sticking to the inner surface, they will burn every time you cook at a high temperature.

Why is my cooker is making strange noises?

It’s not unheard of for an oven unit to suddenly begin making a series of clunking noises. Again this does not necessarily mean that your appliance is on its way out, it may be down to an obstruction that has built up around your cooker’s fundamental mechanisms. A thorough oven cleaning can alleviate this noise, before heading straight for a new appliance.

Why is my oven really quiet when it is on?

On most electric ovens, the sound of the assisting fan is the most noticeable noise whilst cooking. If there is no longer a noise present, it could be an indication that your fan might be on the fritz.

If your cooker hasn’t been valeted in a while, this could be a result of the fan battling smoke every time you prepare a meal. By clearing old food residue and wiping the fan clean you may just find that it will be back up and running in no time.

Image of dirty oven and clean oven differences, in blog about 'why does my oven smoke' and more dirty oven problemsWhy is my food not cooking properly?

There are two main reasons why your food may not be cooking properly. The first is that a dirty oven, which has become blocked, will have difficulty reaching the desired temperature.

Secondly, if you are finding that your meals taste a bit strange; this might be a result of cooking at a higher temperature whilst your oven is burning old food debris, which can add a not-so-nice flavour to your cooking.

If you’re still having problems with your cooker even after a deep clean then chances are you are probably going to need to invest in a new appliance.

Solve basic oven problems with a deep clean

If any of the above questions come to mind, your oven might be in need of a professional oven clean. We have a ton of oven-cleaning hacks and oven-cleaning tips on our blog. Get in touch today and have one of our many professionals perform a complete valet on your appliance. For a complete overview of everything you need to know about cleaning ovens, see our ultimate guide on how to clean your oven.

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owner of ovenu

Rik Hellewell is the Founder & Managing Director of Ovenu and a member of the Approved Franchise Association. He established Ovenu in 1993, cleaning 4,000 ovens and proving his concept over five years before starting the franchise business. Since then he has helped over 200 franchisees achieve their dreams of running successful businesses of their own. Established for over 25 years, the Ovenu concept has proven successful across the UK, New Zealand, Australia and the USA.