Our Franchise Package

Ovenu Oven Cleaning Franchise

Exclusive Franchise Trading Territory

All scientifically mapped out.

Every oven cleaning franchise within the Ovenu network has their own, 100% exclusive territory to trade within locally. But where we like to be a lot more refined in our approach to territory allocation is looking at the science behind it.

As the UK’s largest Oven cleaning franchise with over 30,000 5-star reviews, you could earn over £60,000 per year whilst owning a franchise with us.

Ovenu Postcode Demographic Info

Every area is different meaning territories have to be carefully mapped out. Territory allocation shouldn’t be like ‘pinning the tail on a donkey’!

We know that you’d not be happy if we granted a territory to you where 90% of the inhabitants were unemployed for example.

Instead, we use a set of geo-demographic information and Postcode boundaries to determine our exclusive territories.

The geo-demographic information tells us what types of properties there are by postcode, what types of people live there, income levels and what type of properties people live in. As above, you’d not thank us for allocating a territory that contained hundreds or thousands of high-rise flats!

We take all of this information & data into consideration and then allocate an appropriate area depending on the level of your initial investment.

Interested? Register your interest or read on to find out more about our oven cleaning franchise package support, costs and training.

Related: How to set up a UK oven cleaning business  & Oven Cleaning Business Plan

Oven Cleaning Start-Up Costs

Oven Cleaning franchise package options logo

There are almost unlimited options here to start your business with us in a brand new area.

The vast majority of our franchisees start to build their local business with our Foundation Franchise – a protected territory of up to 30,000 selected households. Those looking for a slightly larger territory look towards our Foundation Plus Opportunity. In either case you’ll receive exactly the same Start-Up package and Induction Training as highlighted above.

Oven Cleaning Start-up Packages

Foundation Franchise

The Foundation Franchise is available for just £12,400 plus VAT.

Our experience has taught us over the years that many franchisees are happy and content with building and developing a Foundation Franchise with our help & support but just with themselves in mind and therefore maintaining an ‘owner operator’ status rather than expanding into a multi-van operation.

We sit very comfortably with this mind-set and our Foundation Franchise is 100% fit for purpose.

Ovenu Foundation Plus

For those who are perhaps looking to adopt more of a managerial type role in due course by going down the ‘multi-van’ route then the Foundation Plus option is definitely worth exploring.

A larger territory offers more potential all-round and gives you a truly unique and bespoke opportunity, but the package that you finally choose will inevitably rest on your own needs and goals.

For those unable to get the required investment capital, we can recommend the Government Backed Start-Up Loan. This scheme lends up to £25,000 and allows up to 5 years to repay, many of our franchisees got started this way.

There may also be the opportunity to buy an existing business as an oven cleaning franchise that will come complete with a good amount of existing clients.

Franchise Training & Ongoing Support

oven cleaning franchise training

Our Induction Training is about getting things done properly – not to a timetable.

Our 5-day Induction Training course has been developed over our 25+ years of success. You’ll quickly discover our entire, knowledgeable Support Team and be reassured that you’ve become an integral part of a truly global brand.

You’ll learn what you can and can’t do, which of our unique products do what, why we have specially designed tools and how to use them. Toward the end of day 3, you’ll get to clean & valet your first oven using your new skills!

Once you’ve finished your training, you’ll benefit from ongoing support including access to our exclusive Franchisee forum and in-depth Operations Manual.

Find out more about our Training & Ongoing Support

Your Cleaning Equipment & Vehicle

We leave your choice of van to you. Let’s face it, we’re all individuals and we come in different shapes and sizes – luckily, so do vans!

We’re not going to (nor ever will) tie you down to either just ONE make & model OR a compulsory lease/rental.

What’s important to mention here is that our Process Equipment can be, and is, tailored to fit ANY van.

We’ll supply you initially with sufficient of our bespoke products and quality consumables for your first 3 months of trading.

To produce world-class results you’ll need world-class products! And that’s exactly what you’ll get from us. Our core product range is unique; we own the formulae and we don’t supply anybody outside our network. We’re big on Corporate Uniformity, our core products are even shipped to our colleagues in Australia!

Find out more about your Equipment & Vehicle


National Oven Cleaning Marketing & Promotion

As you’d expect from a market-leading brand we’re right up there for all things online. Whether it be our local and national websites, our Social Media activity or our communication methods with existing clients, you’ll benefit immediately from all of our activity once we plug you into our systems.

We often get asked how important it is to have a high-visibility web presence. The answer, in our opinion anyway, is that it’s very important. And when you bear in mind that our websites and pages alone attract nearly 40,000 unique visitors a month (and rising) generating millions of pounds worth of business every year without you having to lift a finger, you’ll probably agree.

But that’s not to say that the more traditional routes to market could, or should, be ignored. The problem for the tiny one-man-band types and/or the fledgling franchise operations is that they just haven’t got the resources to promote themselves in the national media or pay to retain the services of a professional Public Relations firm.

Find out more about our National Marketing & Promotion

Ready To Register Your Interest?

Read our oven cleaning franchise FAQs, or get a closer look at how much an oven cleaning franchise costs and then ‘Register Your Interest’ using the contact form.

When you’ve done this we’ll immediately send you a brief résumé of this page PLUS a lot more financial information as well. This will include information about our fixed Management Fees, our very successful trading history to date, and the earnings potential that you can look forward to.